Thursday, August 12, 2010


"The exception makes the rule." Or so I have heard. Whether by nature or nurture I have often noticed that I often incline to observe the contrary facts to positions being stated or read. This may derive from a contrary spirit and yet it may also reveal that often we speak in generalizations and ambiguities. Thus, I am often moved to contradiction, sometimes silently. Sometimes, to be fair, the subject is so large that no single discussion could cover every facet. Sometimes I am just wrong. I would like for this blog to help me with this. At best I would like it to reveal logical fallacies, and with astute readership, even my own logical fallacies. At worst, it may only reveal that on many matters we may have to agree to disagree.


  1. Glad that you're blogging, but I've missed an opportunity. I've been mulling over the idea of asking you to team blog with me. Shouldn't of dragged my feet!

  2. At least your approach shows an open mind.

